About Teresa

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world.” – Marianne Williamson Why not us? Why do we stop ourselves from living our full potential by caving to the thoughts of what we think we can’t be or do, rather than focusing on the thoughts of what we truly can do and be? Be you. End of story. Forget the expectations, the filters, the judgment of others. “Your playing small does not serve the world.” We are significant and that significance can only be brought to light if we stand up and live it to its fullest. Own who we are, where we are, and all that we are and will become. We are powerful beyond measure." #RiseandConquer

Having earned a Master of Divinity in counseling ministry, being a pulpit pastor as well as a hospital chaplain and alternative healer, I bring all this knowledge and expertise to the forefront to serve you and to move you into your highest, most authentic version of yourself.

G101 - How to Transform Your Life and Improve Every Relationship within 4 months

Right now, you feel disenfranchised, lost, a sense of blah in your life. Nothing is superbly wrong, but there is a blank space that you feel needs rejuvenation.

When you complete this course, you will feel better for having identified any hidden issues that may have come up (ones that you were not consciously aware of), you will feel so much more aware of yourself and begin seeing a positive transformation in your life.

The course is designed for you to work through it at your own pace. I would urge you to take your time and process anything that needs processing.

Emotions that have been long buried may rise up - which is a positive thing - because it means you are starting realize you cannot push your pain away forever. If you are going to have a positive experience, one must experience a little uncomfortableness in order to grow.

When we grow - either physically or emotionally, we grow out of our clothes when growing physically or the thought patterns that we have been used to and have been with us for a long time have already served their purpose.

You get to choose your life - not someone in the past.

*You already use natural supplements.

*You have some fun money that you can use for your own personal growth,

*You are an empty nester.

*You need less stress.

*You are open to learning and starting your healing process that has been a long time coming.

*You want to move forward in a positive manner, and you need to know internally you are worthy of achieving your dream and achieving your vision - no matter your current age.

G101 - How to Transform Your Life and Improve Every Relationship within 4 months

Available in days
days after you enroll
  How to Transform your Life and Improve Every Relationship
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Types of Abuse
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Oppressive Issues
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Emotions associated with abuse types
Available in days
days after you enroll

Pre-sale price

Who is This Course For?

  • The person who wants to transform his or her life and improve all relationships.
  • Those who are able and willing to work through the course.
  • Those who will take the time to invest in their well-being and complete the course.

  • Who is this course NOT for?

  • People not able to afford the investment and unwilling to look deep inside of them.
  • People who don't know how to access their feelings or unwilling to confront them.
  • People who want a "fast" fix.