Mission Statement: "To serve people who need healing from the soul outward." Until the soul is healed, nothing else will fall into alignment.

G101 - What is trauma and how to have better relationships because of it. We will discuss Emotional Abuse, Mental Abuse, Domestic Violence, Substance abuse, black theology - black lives matter, slavery - not just a black and white issue , being a warrior, fear, boredom and anger.

G201 - We will focus on soul loss and circumstances that can cause soul loss such as illness, war, loss, witnessing a death, prison/jail stay, divorce, abuse, rape, terrorism

G301 - Karmic debts - negative and positive such as unplanned pregnancy, global pandemic(s), grief, parental abandonment, anxiety, depression

G401 - Characteristics of functional families - LGBTQIA, heterosexism, authenticity, purpose and manifesting.

No one ever wants to confront these issues but it is time to start the process of confronting these issues.

These are our societal issues today. We must resolve these from the soul so we can manifest our best live and life on purpose and with authenticity.

"The base root of what I saw to be an issue revealed in Monday's session led by you, continued to unfold last week and clear away abusive men and further shift me in a "cold turkey" way with them and open me up to healthier connections. Because you are amazing...and it was quite a lot to endure last week, I am going to BE with this shift in sustenance today and let it grow and allow me to feel this now preciousness and happiness."

- Stevia Rae

Depression Issues?

This woman is beside herself and her friend wants to assist her but doesn't know how. Learn how to release your depression.


Become free at last from your exhaustion through self-care in this course. This course and courses are all about taking care of yourself.

As a caregiver to children or parents, you are running on fumes (ROFing). ROFing is not conducive to your health.

Trauma may happen because of exhaustion. You just can't take another second of anything!

It's "ME" time!

Have gaps in your memory after age 5?

If you do, then you may have been traumatized. You may have no remembrance whatsoever, but you know something isn't right. Things feel off and you can't put your finger on what it is.

Let's explore that together and assist you in figuring out what is wrong.

Hi, I’m Teresa Heupel

Have healed people from all walks of life with many physical, mental and emotional issues. Healing is not curing. Please do not confuse the two. Healing is all-encompassing but not a cure.

Earned a Master of Divinity in counseling is the perfect segue way to healing people's soul wounds.

Soul wounds are past emotional injuries that manifest pain-based identities. We take painful expressions and define ourselves by those these that we have taken on and we identify ourselves as broken, shameful or victims. We then limit ourselves to living small when God wants you to live large and manifest the life that the divine created you to live.